Sunday, 3 December 2017

Chicas en Peligro (Girls in Danger)

This film is a welcome relief from the stream of narco peliculas for which Mexican cinema has become famous, or rather infamous. In truth many narco peliculas are cheaply produced and repetitive but are often fairly good source material for bad girls.

Chicas en Peligro features some actors and actresses who have outlived the usual shelf life of many of their contempories. Hugo Stiglitz (Inglorious Basterds) is the biggest name actor in the film and the main female roles fall to Lina Santos, Monica Danieloweichz (the heroines) and Felicia Mercado (the baddie). These days Lina Santos and Felicia Mercado are often seen in various telenovelas, Felicis Mercado still often playing the baddie even now.
As to what the film is about I am a bit clueless as my Spanish is pretty rusty. It is obvious that Felicia runs some kind of crime empire and Lina and Monica are on the run from the law when they are framed for a murder they didn't commit.
Nobody is going to win any Oscars but the film itself is one of the better crime films to come out of Mexico - though it is nearly 25 years of age now. Any film featuring a mini skirted gun toting villainess and Lina Santos in a leather dress has to be doing something right.

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