Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Kahiin KIssi Roz - Allies, Rivals and Adversaries Part 2

Part 2.

Nisha Sikand (Gauri Tonk nee Yadev). Nisha was married to Kunal (Yash Tonk), one of Ramola's sons (as it happens they also married in real life). She was tricked in to confronting Shaina by Ramola for Shaina's alleged involvement in Nisha's husbands death. She fought with Shaina for possession of the gun but was killed by Ramola during the fight and ended up another one of her many victims.
Sunaina/Shalini (Poonam Narula). Another lady who was brought in by Ramola to aid her evil deeds. One of these acts involved the murder of Avantika, a  mutual enemy. However dogged by mistrust on both sides she was ultimately slain by Ramola in a particularly brutal fashion.

Miscellaneous. Here are a few more ladies from the series, not all gun toting baddies but most being allies of Ramola.

COMING SOON: Ramola....

Monday, 26 March 2018

Kahiin Kissi Roz - Allies, Rivals and Adversaries Part 1

Part 1.

Ramola Sikand was definitely the best and most persistent villainess in KKR. The final chapter of this KKR blog will focus on her. However that is not to say that she was the only gun toting woman in the series. These blog articles will focus on some of the other characters in the series.

Avanti Ragpal (Sushmita Mukherjee). Probably Number 2 in the pecking order of dangerous ladies. The start of her story was outlined previously. She returned in later episodes with her psychopathic but dim brother to avenge the death of her husband. Originally a rival to Ramola, she then became an ally to help her in her schemes against Shaina and then finally she was the would be nemesis of Ramola in the final episode. Her particular speciality seemed to be in shooting her enemies in traffic jams. The climatic shoot out between Avanti and Ramola will be covered in a later article.

Shaina Sikand (Mouli Ganguly). The heroine of the series and the constant target of Ramola's schemes and hatred. However she sometimes reverted to being a gun toting heroine when the needs demanded it.

Part 2 follows.