Monday, 26 March 2018

Kahiin Kissi Roz - Allies, Rivals and Adversaries Part 1

Part 1.

Ramola Sikand was definitely the best and most persistent villainess in KKR. The final chapter of this KKR blog will focus on her. However that is not to say that she was the only gun toting woman in the series. These blog articles will focus on some of the other characters in the series.

Avanti Ragpal (Sushmita Mukherjee). Probably Number 2 in the pecking order of dangerous ladies. The start of her story was outlined previously. She returned in later episodes with her psychopathic but dim brother to avenge the death of her husband. Originally a rival to Ramola, she then became an ally to help her in her schemes against Shaina and then finally she was the would be nemesis of Ramola in the final episode. Her particular speciality seemed to be in shooting her enemies in traffic jams. The climatic shoot out between Avanti and Ramola will be covered in a later article.

Shaina Sikand (Mouli Ganguly). The heroine of the series and the constant target of Ramola's schemes and hatred. However she sometimes reverted to being a gun toting heroine when the needs demanded it.

Part 2 follows.


  1. Good work and nice write up. Keep it coming. I've been trying to find some place online where I can watch Kaahin Kissi Roz episodes, but haven't found any. Please do share if you know any website where I can watch the show :) I see that you have some high quality screenshots

    1. Harrey,

      That's most kind of you to write and leave a comment. At one stage I did record a lot of the shows once it was being shown on UK TV. However the sheer quantity of the episodes meant I had to cull a lot of them and even then edit the ones I did want to keep, mostly involving Ramola.

      I'm afraid Star and/or Bahaji (?) Productions are very strict on publishing KKR episodes online and take pretty swift action on having episodes removed so I think it is unlikely you will find anything online.

      On a more positive point I am thinking of adding one or two other ISC (Indian Sub Continent) series to the blog. If you've got any favourites please name them and I'll see what I can do.

      Thanks again.

    2. Ramola Sikand smoking in which episode ?

  2. Ramola Sikand smoking in which episode ? is it in Kahiin kisi roz or k street pali hill?
