The first incident....
The second incident...

Ramola and Avanti (Ragpul) Things had been building up between Ramola and Avanti and their respective associates for some time. During the series their relationship veered from enemy to wary allies and then back to bitter enemies. These are some of their scenes before their final showdown.
The series seemed to end rather abruptly probably due to falling audience numbers. However we were treated to one last climatic shoot out between Ramola and Avanti. It is a strange finale in that although Ramola and Avanti seemed destined to have a shoot out the war it was implemented was odd and seemed rushed. Avanti seemed to be fully made up in the scenes whereas Ramola was very plain, I guess the make up department only had time to make up one actress but who knows? The episode had Ramola had killing Avanti's brother after which both women went on their own spree of murder and mayhem.
Eventually Ramola and Avanti come face to face for one last dramatic shoot out. At one point it seems that Avanti will be victorious but she is outwitted by Ramola's deviousness. Spurred on by her success Ramola decides to take care of hated son Kumal once and for all. However in a final plot twist Ramola is in turn shot and killed by Kunal after her gun runs out of bullets. Thus ends the story of one of the greatest and most evil vamps in the world of television anywhere.
Hope you enjoyed this abridged review of this serial and its characters.
Ramola Sikand smoking in which episode ?