Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Christian Bach

Whilst reviewing some of my favourite actresses I came across the sad news that Christian Bach died in February this year (2019). I covered the TV series I most remember her for (La Impostora and La Patrona) in a blog article in 2017. However here are some more thoughts about Christian.

First and foremost, unless you are a fan of Telenovelas then her name is not likely to mean a lot to you. However she acted in various novelas since 1979 when she was 20. Most of these novelas are lost in to pre-internet age. I've screen capped a few images from her earlier telenovela roles.

 It is during her latter years that her telenovela roles came to my attention. However before that she was already a big star in her native Mexico so I'm a rather late comer to the Christian Bach fan club. La Impostora and La Patrona are both typical Christian Bach driven novelas. In both she played a strong, elegant but dastardly woman. Glamourous and dangerous. I've covered the serials previously so just a few screen shots.

La Patrona:-

La Impostora (Wow, what a series) :-

Don't forget to visit the 2017 article for some more information about Christian Bach.

Gunmolls Blogspot - Catherine Bach publicity stills

Christian Bach died at the age of 59.

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