Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Chinese Crime Series (Part 1)

There are hundreds, maybe thousands of Chinese TV serials based on the 2nd World War. What are less common are Chinese Police/Crime dramas. But there are still plenty where bad girls play a very prominent part. Now before I write any more let me say my Mandarin skills are almost non-existent so I may have totally misunderstood the plot lines. Anyway, I'll do my best.

First up is 'Oath' aka 'Anti Triad'. The villainess of the piece is played by Jiang Hongbo who, like very many Chinese actors, is a regular in mainland TV drama. In Oath she plays the daughter of a Triad boss. At some point he is killed and she sets out to kill and terrorize those responsible. Every inch a ruthless, slightly unhinged killer this is one of my favourite mainland crime dramas. First on her list is a jeweler who is mercilessly killed by her and her somewhat reluctant boyfriend.

After this further plans are made to punish those on the list. The lady uses all her wiles to persuade her boyfriend and members of her father's gang to aid her in her quest for revenge.

Her next victim suffers a similarly nasty fate as the jeweler.

Her intended final victim is the police chief she considers responsible for her father's death. She leads her gang in setting up an ambush for the senior police officer and his subordinates and woe betide anyone who stands in her way or who is having second thoughts about her plan.
Of course the ambush is itself a trap set by the senior police officer and his team which inevitably leads to a big shoot out with the villainess taking and expecting no quarter in the ensuing gun battle.

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