Saturday, 25 November 2017

Alias - Francine Calfo (Alison Dorren)

Alias was a disappointing spy series from the usually reliable JJ Abrams. Unfortunately the series was a bit of a damp squid and most of the blame, in my humble opinion, can be laid at the door of Jennifer Garner who played a somewhat dreary, one dimensional heroine (Sydney Bristow)

Still the series did feature some very good adverseries for Sydney to contend with. In the first and second series the female enemies were played by Gina Torres as the indefatigable Anna Espinosa, Lena Olin as Sydney's mysterious, long lost mother and Merrin Dungey as Francine Callo the seemingly best friend/flatmate of Sydney. Needless to say Francine is not who she appears to be and is an assassin (Alison Dorren) who is the double of Sydney's flatmate who she kills before trying to do the same to Sydney and her beau.

Despite having a cat fight which would permanently incapacitate any normal woman and despite being shot by Sydney in an apparently fatal manner the character made a welcome reappearance in Series 3. This time she carries out her assassination in a disco and again it is left to Sydney to finally put an end to Francie's evil.

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