Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Kaahin Kissi Roz - The Rajpuls

Storyline - The Rajpuls.

The next article on this series covers the period up to episode 300 approximately. After Ramola was revealed as the person who was making her Shaina's (her daughter in law) life a living hell the series seemed to veer off from this plot strand for a little while.During this unwelcome hiatus we were introduced to the Rajpal family who were competing with the (Ramola) Sikand family in business. Fearing for her sanity and safety Ramola often prowled around her home, pistol in hand.
Even in the office Ramola undertook some unorthodox business practices as can bee seen from the screen captures below.
The Rajpul family were primarily the evil father (DJ), wife(Avanti) and daughter (Devika). After a series of confrontations Devika plans to shoot Ramola, Shaina and her always bemused husband Kunal.
It was left to Ramola to kill the Rajpul clan and put an end to the scheme's of the rival family. However Avanti became a persistent antagonist in later episodes.

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