Monday, 23 October 2017

Indian military dramas

There have been quite a few military based Indian dramas over the years, Left Right Left, Choona Hai Aasmaan and Saara Akash being the most prominent.Because the target audience for Indian dramas is largely female the plots often tell the story of a plucky, female protagonist, earning the respect of her male colleagues as she makes her career in the Indian military. Quite often there is often a female enemy agent or spy (usually Pakistani) threatening the Indian state which the protagonist has to counter to prove her worth.

Left, Right, Left certainly featured such an enemy in the shape of Shweta Salve who played the double agent Dr Ritu.Originally the identity of the silent, night time assassin was unknown until Dr Ritu was unmasked as the enemy agent.

Once revealed she continued in her nefarious deeds and she made a fine adversary to the protagonist of the series Cadet Naina Singh (Priyanka Bassi) until her climactic demise in a attempted hospital assassination.

Choona Hai Asmaan followed a similar formto LRL. This time the female protagonist was Flight Lt Sameera Singh (JanviChheda) and the female terrorist agent was initially introduced as a butter woudln't melt in her mouth, blind girl. The moment where she discards her saree to reveal a cat suited, silenced pistol holstered gunwoman is still one of my favourite moments in Indian drama. The actress appears quite regularly in other Indian dramas but I have been unable to identify her by name.

Once unmasked she became a great villainess leading a band of enemy agents working against the Indian state.

Like Dr Ritu she met her demise in a failed assassination attempt.

Saara Aakash deserves an article in it's own right and hopefully that will be forthcoming soon.

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